About Our Chairman

Rendered selfless and dedicated service of 37 years in uniform to the Nation (33 Years in Army (including 2 ½  Years in Assam Rifles & 5 ½  Years in Rashtriya Rifles and 04 Years in ITBP Force) in wide-ranging posts/ appointments. He has deep passion for humanity and grooming/ training young leaders.  Towards nation building; has established International School and Defence Academy at Goneda Campus of Brigadier’s Institute and Training School (BITS) to contribute his rich experience of leadership, administration and management in training, guiding and motivating the youth to become success story by themselves. After having served with pride for 37 years in uniform; he believes that his pragmatic, mission oriented and innovative approach, human values and leadership traits, academic excellence, positivity and focused hard work are his greatest virtues. He is confident that he would be able to positively contribute towards the betterment of the society through International School and Defence Academy.

In brief, areas of his expertise/ proficiency are as under:

  • Senior Level Administration and Leadership (37 years practical experience).
  • Senior Level Human Resource Management (Diploma in Senior Level Defence Management).
  • Training and grooming of value driven future leaders (Practical experience of 10 years).
  • Leading and Building Teams (Management Development Program from IIM Indore).
  • Interview Techniques (Qualified from Defence Institute of Psychological Research).
  • Academic Excellence in Defence and Strategic Studies. (Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Sc.).
  • Academic Excellence in Agriculture Science (B.Sc. Hons).
  • Academic Excellence in Personal Management and Industrial Relation (Two Years Masters Diploma in Personal Management and Industrial Relation (MDPM & IR) from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune.
  • Academic Excellence in Disaster Management (PG Diploma from Indira Gandhi National Open University).
  • Logistics and Security Solutions (37 Years of experience).
  • Handling of Discipline and Vigilance Cases (experience of handling varied discipline and vigilance cases at senior level).
  • Faculty Development (Rich practical experience of 10 years)
  • Sports and Adventure (Rich practical experience more than 10 years)
  • Training, motivation, guidance and grooming of senior military leadership.

Experience of Diverse Ethos, Culture and Traditions from Different Organisations Served:

(a)        Indian Army.

(b)        Rashtriya Rifles.

(c)        Assam Rifles

(d)        Indo Tibetan Border Police Force.

Academic Qualifications:

Sr NoExam PassedYearUniversity/Institution

Division (% of Marks)

(a)Matric1978Govt High School, Nangal Dargu (Mahendra Garh)1st(68.33%)
(b)B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture1983Haryana Agriculture University,  Hissar (Haryana)

(a) 1st (87.05%)

(b) All Round Best Student

(c) Awarded – Mrs NL Kshetry Gold Medal

(d) Awarded Indian Council of Agriculture Research Fellowship which is awarded to two students per department in the country through competitive examination every year.

(c)M.Sc. (Defence & Strategic Studies)1998University of Madras

1st  (77.10%)

Dissertation on Human Rights

(d)Master Diploma in Personal Management and   Industrial Relations(MDPM&IR)1998Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS), Pune

1st (65.58%)

(e)Diploma in Senior Level Defence Management2001Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore  (MP)1st
(f)M Phil (Defence & Strategic Studies)2014Punjab University, Chandigarh1st (68%) Dissertation on Defence Diplomacy
(g)Ph.D.  (Defence & Strategic Studies)2018

Dr BR Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow (MP)

1st (78.20%) Thesis on

“Impact of Naxalism on Capacity Building of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Jharkhand State”.

(h)Management Development Program on Building and Leading Teams2020Indian Institute of Management, Indore 

Scholarly Skill:

(a) Chairman has written number of papers on professional topics. Details are as under:

  1. Naxalism: Impediment to the Nation Building Process Published in The War College Journal 2015(ISSN 2394-5316).
  2. General Typology of Warfare Published in PINNACLE 2016 (ISSN 0972-4044).
  3. Defence Diplomacy in India: A Way Ahead Published in The Infantry, India in December 2016 (ISSN 0019/9540).
  4. An Overview of Naxalism in India Published in Ambedkar Journal of Social Development and Justice (ISSN 0973-6646).
  5. Role of Armed Forces in Disaster Management in the Region, Published in PINNACLE 2017 (ISSN 0972-4044).
  6. Trainer’s guide for ITBP Force.

(b) Has participated and presented papers in following seminars:

  1. Participation in National Seminars cum Workshop on “Left Wing Extremism in India: A Serious Threat to National Security” organized by Manavadhikar Samajik Manch, New Delhi on  09 October 2015 and Presented a Paper on on the title “Impact of Atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes on Mushrooming of Naxalism in India.
  2. Participated in Research Methodology Workshop on Understanding Social Exclusion and Discrimination: Methodological Issues jointly organized by IIDS, New Delhi and Dr B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow, September 5-7, 2016.
  3. Participation in National Seminars Department of Defence and National Security  Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh on March 9-10, 2016 and Presented a Paper on the title  “Cross Border Terrorism in Af Pak Region: Implications for India”.
  4. Bodh Dharam aur Vaishvik Vyavastha Hetu Samajik Shanti, Yog Vipashyana Ke Sandarb mein Vishya ki Sangoshthi  mein 01-09/10 May 2017 Bhagyadari Ki aur Aapna Shodh Patar  “Naxalwad Manas Mein Utpan Hota Hai aur Samaj Mein Abhivyakt Hota Hai” Sirshak par Parstut kiya. (Participation in National Seminars Department of Defence and National Security  Studies, Dr. BR Ambedkar Unversity of Social Sciences on May 9-10, 2017 and presented paper on ‘Naxalism Breads in Mind and Manifests in Society”).

(c) Chairman is recipient of Indian Council of Agriculture Research Fellowship, which is awarded to only two students per department in the entire country through competitive examination at national level.

Sports Skills:

  1. Participated in All India Cross Country Races 1980.
  2. Participated in All India Inter University Boxing Championship twice in 1982 &1983.
  3. Gold Medal in Haryana Agriculture University Boxing Championship in 1982 & 1983.
  4. Silver Medal in 4 x 400 m Relay Race and Bronze Medal in 1500m Run in All Haryana Agriculture University Athletics Championship in 1980.
  5. Bronze Medal in Haryana State Boxing Championship twice 1982 & 1983.
  6. Awarded Best Boxer and Best Athlete Trophy in Officers Training Academy 1985.

Adventure Skills:

  1. Scaled Pindari Glacier as a Part of High Altitude Trekking Program in 1981.
  2. Carried out Cycling Expedition from Hissar to Delhi and Back in 1981.

Extra Co-curriculum Activity:

  1. Gold Medal in All India Cattle Judging Contest during three consecutive years 1981, 1982 & 1983.
  2. Hostel Prefect and Champion of various indoor hostel games from 1980 to 1983.

Honours and Awards:

(a) Set personal example by leading troops from front in number of counter terrorist operations in J & K and North East. Efforts in pursuit to excellence in administration, logistics, training, leadership, men-management in 33 years of service were recognized by following honour and awards:-

  1. Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM) in 26 January 2010 by President of India.
  2. GOC-in-C Commendation Card and Insignia in 26 January 2006.
  3. GOC-in-C Commendation Card & Insignia with Star in 15 August 2014.


(b) Set personal example by initiating and executing innovative and practical methods of training in ITBP. With his sincere and dedicated efforts in training, ITBP Academy has been awarded Best Training Institute in the Country for GOs Training in CAPFs and Cash Award of Rs 20 Lakhs. Efforts in pursuit to excellence in training in ITBPF during last 4 years of service have been recognized by following honour and awards:-

  1. DG’s Commendation Roll & Insignia (Silver Disc) 2019.
  2. DG’s Commendation Roll & Insignia (Gold Disc) 2020.
  3. DG’s Commendation Roll & Insignia (Gold Disc with Star) 2021.

Specialized Courses:


Name of  Course

Duration in Week


Brief Course Contents


Diploma in Executive Profile in Computers


 Ist Division

(Grade B)

BDPS, Shillong,(Head Office, Bombay)

(a)           Basic computing system.

(b)          Data entry, processing and management.

(c)           Basics of operating system.

(d)          MS office applications

(e)           Basics of networking.


Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management


 Ist  Division


Indira Gandhi National Open University

(a)            Towards Participatory Management.

(b)            Understanding Natural Disaster.

(c)            Understanding Manmade Disaster.

(d)            Risk Assessment Vulnerability.

(e)            Disaster Preparedness.

(f)             Disaster Response.

(g)            Disaster Medicine.

(h)            Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

About Us

Brigadier Ram Niwas Defense Academy, Goneda, which is the best defence academy, offers a complete training / coaching for written exam and physical exams to join the Armed Forces & Police Forces. 

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